Over the upcoming holidays, you’ll be sitting on a couch as your in-laws and/or children loudly talk at you. In a desperate play for distraction, you look at your phone, hoping that social media will soothe your deeply repressed emotions. Likely it won’t, but even worse: your quick hit of social media relief is one more sledgehammer strike to the irreversible division plaguing democracies all over the world...or is it?
Very insightful and well written/argued ideas about a step(s) in the right direction when it comes to social media. It strikes me that an underlying component to all 3 recommended steps is the concept of patience and taking your time to explore the alternative view point and/or expressing one's own view point. Hurriedness to get your point across or not taking the time to understand a competing view diminishes the likelihood of a productive discussion. It doesn't take much time to type out 281 characters - it does take time to write a long form analysis like you have done in this post.
Very insightful and well written/argued ideas about a step(s) in the right direction when it comes to social media. It strikes me that an underlying component to all 3 recommended steps is the concept of patience and taking your time to explore the alternative view point and/or expressing one's own view point. Hurriedness to get your point across or not taking the time to understand a competing view diminishes the likelihood of a productive discussion. It doesn't take much time to type out 281 characters - it does take time to write a long form analysis like you have done in this post.
Keep it up !!!!!